The fundraising drive for the Reynolds Park Vine Garden was a success. Just over $250 was raised and that amount will be matched by the city's People for Parks Matching Fund Program. Thank you to all the contributors. Enjoy the new garden.

The new bicycle racks have arrived and are in place in front of East Johnson Street businesses. Along with the new banners and the old fashioned street lights that have been recently installed, the business section of our neighborhood is looking very fine.

In case you can't find TLNA president Richard Linster's column in this issue, it's because he has "gone fishing for a grandkid." Richard has been at the hospital awaiting the birth of his first grandchild. Congratulations Richard and family.

A call was recently received from a woman who was bitten by a pit bull dog in the vicinity of the Lapham School/East Dayton Street area. The caller stated that this was the third time this particular dog has been picked up by the Animal Control Office. She wanted neighbors to be aware of the dog and to call the Animal Control Office at 255-2345 if you see the dog loose.

The TLNA web page has recently been updated. It can be seen at

The brush collection schedule through October is: if your refuse is collected on Thursday, the brush must be at the curb by 7 am on the third Monday of the month; if your refuse is collected on Friday, the brush must be at the curb by 7 am on the fourth Monday of the month.

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